underneath the stars
Always Waiting For U No Matter What =)

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Friday, September 21, 2007
bored to death....
5:12 AM

i dun realli noe wat to put into this post lor...
juz tot of updating for the fun of it???
2day gt our art exam paper...
n... 6 pieces of drawing paper... great...
n hav to draw Loads n LOADS of crap in it...
carn believe it... rubbish TOTAL RUBBISH!!!!
life... is full of (i dunno wat to use to decribe)
it seriously PISSES me OFF!!!!!
n my comp becum so laggy...
mayb becuz i getting so much spasm in msn...
oh well...
tts all i guess...
oh yea... 1 more thing...
for the art exam... if u dunno wat endangered animal to draw...
here is a gud piece of advice...
look into a mirror...
u see tt animal looking at u???
okie gud... draw tt SUPER RARE animal!!!!!!! hahahaha

Thursday, September 13, 2007
6:30 AM

back... my blog is soooooooo freakin dead...
n i dont need anyone to remind me of tt...
oh yea... im sooo super tired rite nw... cuz i juz gt back frm training... haven eaten my dinner...
hmm... i dunno y oso anyway...
(hu cares??)
the EOY/FYE r cuming closer n closer...
vry scary de ok...
cuz my CA2 results sooo freakin unexpected...
but in both gud n bad ways...
its scary...
MY MATHS finally pass... weee...
but my other subs did nt realli go as i wanted them to...
oh well... maybe i juz gt to study harder bah...
but... when everyone all chionging study...
there r others tt dun realli study tt hard...
they realli very slack lor
they haven fully wake up frm their sleep... (i guess)
i realli hope tt they wake up juz be4 the ending so tt they will noe how much problems hav they created for themselves juz by nt studying...
but its best if they would wake up NW n study for their exams
if they realli dun wake up...
their exams would confirm SUCK then they would blame everything... for their damn results...
tuition chers...
they would nv think tt THEY had chose this path instead the path tt they could realli do well n make everyone happy...
their parents would be lyk super sad can...
i realli pity these ppl lor...
cuz they juz simply wont understand how important the actions tt they r doing rite nw...
it will determind their life...
oh ya...
im super tired after 2day's friendly match
but there is 1 thing tt i dun get it...
im super tired...
haven taken my dinner...
y am i blogging???
oh CRAP!!!!
i 4gt...
DAMN i haven revise 2day at all...
haiz... life juz gt to continue anyway... smile, concentrate n GAMBATEH!!!!
oh well... its worth it wat... u study lyk sum hell for 3 weeks then u get to enjoy lyk 2months???
(you carn count training so around... 1n 1/2 months bah...)
