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Friday, January 26, 2007
Oh DamN
7:06 PM

Can u believe it...
ok im very happy last night...
cuz my new comp come le!!!! XD
then my uncle help me fix it...
cuz i dunno n dun dare....=X
scareed later do sumthing wrong then the comp byebye....XD
anyway... fix ok le hor... i went to help me uncle get the user n pass frm my mum cuz my hse the mordem is locked de...
search high n low...
carn find... XD so called mum....
she say is inside her laptop bag... =.="
gt so many things so i ransack the whole thing... haha
then cuz gt all her office work...
call again haha she say inside the small compartment lor... wa lao...i go check the main 1
found it...very happy... i took abt 1/2hr XD
my uncle gt all the stuff le...but den the pass he dunno... wth... i oso carn find...
call 3rd time... lols...
hahahaha my mum fed up le lor... say the password is behind the damn mordem la....
lols... very smart place to hide the password... i nv tot abt it lor...
found it phew... type the the internet a bit sot cuz the place i put my comp is quite far frm the mordem so the connection very low... sometimes auto off de sia...
so scared... XD anyway nw ok le lor...
tml my dad gonna fix the mordem inside my room wif my comp the super fast le.... YEA!!! ^_^

Friday, January 05, 2007
New Class Sux!!!
3:25 AM

My New Class SUCK!!!
tts the only word tt i could find to discribe it...
its lyk so damn retarded lor
where gt ppl so suai de...
sit beside Keefe!!!
Keefe infront is Emrys!!!
then behind is Netballers!!!
OMG la...
the only person so suai only gt 1 to date...
but the chers so far still ok sia...
YAY!!! still gt danny wong for PE...
haha... me n sh tok lyk siao
both of us still say 1E best...
1E rawkz!!!
haha... sh say 2B so quiet...
no fun at all
i say 2F so horrible...
chances of studying is almost 0% lor
summore this yr is damn important sia...
shyt... y i nv tot abt this last yr? keep on playing...
