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Always Waiting For U No Matter What =)

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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Start Of A New Year
1:53 PM

Yo everyone!!!!
i change blogskin hahas... mmm... n song oso
Happy 2007!!!! ^_^
i went to my cousin hse for the countdown... wow shiok sia
go there at around 3pm...
play comp... Xbox... watch show...
then my uncle go buy abt 6 bottles of sparkling juice!!!
@%$^%$##@#$@%^$... then in less than 1/2hr all gone... i nv drink... #$#%^%$#@!#!$%^...
then my uncle call... ask us to go restaurant eat... WAAA.... damn nice lor the food... starting 1st dish eat SHARK FIN le!!! then eat the erm... aiya dunno wat name la...
but den so nice la... later go playground play... woohooo....
go back to cousin hse again... haha... i tell them they all so jealous...
cannot blame la... my uncle tio lottery... haha... so lucky!!!
then countdown... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR... then my dad say... happy new yr... ok Heng Wei... nw go hm le... ?!?!?!?!... WTH!!! i still playing comp sia...
hais... go hm... my dad say hungry... haha... we go East Coast Park... eat Mac... weeee
so fun...
yumyum... haha then we walk talk n laugh... reach hm abt 2.30am le!!!
oh ya... at Mac damn crowded... no place to sit... found 1 table abt 15mins???
then there the music was lyk... 3 bigbig speakers la... blast lor... super shiok...
reach hm... i wait for dad n mum to sleep...
then blog nw!!!! XD haha... i so bad...
i on music so shiok... so long nv on comp le... n blogging... find 1 blogskin abt 2hrs?! mad sia... so sleepy lor... but nvm... i happy ok le... lols...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
poor me
3:53 PM

i tot maybe i should change the song...
quite siian of the piano le... XD...
yay... finally can blog le... totally no time to blog sia... so jia lat
Christmas is cuming soon...
wan to wish every1 happy n merry christmas...
sch oso gonna start soon...
alamak... i hate my class...
aiya wat to do...
nvm la... ren 1yr... =(...
today i nt going training... sobs..hais...
As We Go On, We Remember, All The Times We Had Together,
so long nv see a lot of ppl frm 1E... sobs...
i kindda start to miss our dear Mr Lo too...
XD LOL!!! jking... haha...
nv in my entire life...
i've been up all night... tinking abt those happy/funny/lame/angry etc of 1E
colloect newspaper... lessons... when chers on MC... when ppl quarrel... laugh... freak out... lyk the BBQ... XD... so sad... new yr... new class... new cher... new "frenz"... haiz...
after everytime i tink back to those gd memories... when i quarrel with ppl (lyk hc) laugh with buddies... go n sabo ppl... so happy at tt time... nw... so sad... wish 1E can be together again...
haiz... =(
