underneath the stars
Always Waiting For U No Matter What =)

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
4:33 AM

life gt so many sad things happen... Y?!
bad things happen without even A reason...
n it makes ur life HELL!!!
y? y? y?
today badminton... ok la... nth much happen...
same drills so on... but i get scolded...
y u nv hit harder?! (the usual rubbish)
then... aiya... dunno is sz today suai or is my aiming so tyco
i smash the shuttle then hit sz head... XD
sorrii i dunno will kanna u...
aniway... hais... pocket gt "hole" again...
gt to buy court shoes... frm coach...
later then tink abt it... or else i confirm go hospital lor... severe brain damage... lols
haha... i so hungry after badminton i go buy macdonalds n then eat in the double-decker bus
lols so yummy... =)
oh ya... previous trainiing... Dunman Sec VS Tampines Sec
i tink every1 gt improve lor...
but i still nt happy abt it...
i only gt to play 1 Doubles Match at the last minute...
then i did nt even get to play finish sia...
so damn nt fair...
at least let me play finish 1 match la...

Sunday, November 12, 2006
eventful day
7:03 AM

today... wow... so dangerous... went to my cousins hse... then we go race bicycles... so fun... swerve lyk siao... cuz we go lyk dam fast sia... then we go for dinner... haha my parents chase us... haha damn funny...
after dinner go race summore... we race around 200m... then the first race... we chiong... when we reach the finiah line we brake full... the back wheel jam brake... damn loud... then the floor behind us gt black line... siao lor... fun sia so fast... then the second race... start... w both chiong lor... then i chiong too fast... nv see in front of me gt a pool of muddy water... waaaaa then i juz chiong across... my shirt front n back all kanna... my sport shoes n jeans oso kanna a lot sia wth.. then my cousin win again... but when i reach the finish line... i wanted to brake the back wheel lyk be4 la... so i press the brake... but den instead of pressing the brake for the back wheel... i pressed the 1 for the bloody front wheel... the entire bicycle n me flipped upside-down... wa lao... shit... then i injured my elbow lor... bleed haha n my palms too... =( then my cousin run to me... then ask if i die a nt? haha i lie on the floor laugh n laugh haha... then i when back to eat snacks my parents see le haha their faces were... OMG?! wat u do?! haha nv get scold... juz ask if i ok haha... they wan me come hm bathe... so i ended up updatig abt it haha so funny...

Friday, November 10, 2006
9:10 PM

WA... today training... is start of normally (juz tt i came late =P)... then did usual stuff... hahas... after the footwork... yew heng kanna pumping cuz he sit down when drink water... then i nearly oso cuz i tok to him HAHA... thne later nth much happen...
then we hav to go to the stadium... oh ya mr liew came oso... so they satrted to say abt how we no teamwork... determination... nv improve... etc etc... then started to comment on each player individually... so start wif... eh nvm radom say all coach comments... nt mine... haha
Joe: the size lyk small kids n act lyk 1 so childish!! plz change la
Shang Zhi: always toking to Heng Wei... then ask u to swing nv change...
Yew Heng: can play... but the legs dunwan to move...
Heng Wei: always toking to Shang Zhi... u 2 brothers ar? then ppl do pumping still can tok to them HAHA =P
Marcus: can play... but den dunwan move leg (i tink so)
Bryan: move lyk gu niang yet some how manage to get to the shuttle (HAHA) the attitude gt prop but cannot change... (HAHA)
Yusof: everything very gd but (sorri i 4gt le)
