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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
2 dayz of extreme fun... lols
2:09 AM

oh... ya... friday we as in me, hc, gu niang, wj, sh, shu ting, erm... jia ying, li jin, wen shee... pai seh i only can remember until lyk tt nia... ok then the friday was... erm quite funny n near fatal...
me, gu niang, hc brought clothes to go to the chalet (i actually gt invited to go on tt day then i lucky brought shirt cuz i at first wanna go couz hse play badminton de) then we go TM walk walk cuz the galz go hm change clothes (they nv bring) we reach there at 1.30pm (only saw wj there) wait aroun 5mins??? shu ting then cum, she brought 2 big plastic bags (lyk she juz go shopping lor) 1 bag put monopoly (siao sia) the other 1 i dunno... maybe forgt le. wait then later erm... aiya dunno sh cum first or jia ying cum first... who cares...
then we go take MRT... go pasir ris, go white sands dunno do wat... then wj was lyk ARRRR!!! saw her (im nt gonna say) lols... every1 was lyk going in mac go see la... HAHA!!! then hc walked off... i tink jealous... haha... then we went up go walk again... then took bus go down town east... started raining... so suai... then go arcade... (me n hc gt chased out... we wearing sch pants lols) then we sit outside tok lor... the galz then cum out... ask y we sitting here then go back in go play... then me n hc go walk walk around... see see... go LAN shop... food court... go eat... haha... hungry... didnt eat at TM... the galz called then come then they go check in chalet... me n hc enjoying desert le then hc go to the music machine ask me if i hab $1 coin... say he wanna dian song for wj... haha... he dian 5566 for you... then i tian jay chou ye qu for myself... sad la... wj nt at the food court at tt time... wat a waste lol... then later we go to ze chalet... play xbox...i was playing halfway... then a pair of hands landed on my shoulder... DIAO... i jumped la... the galz sitting on the bed laughed lyk siao... actually is shu tong... i tot she wanna "qia" me sia...then continued playing without any other events happening until around 5.30 my mum called... i nv tell her i go out... OPPS!!! go home lor... haha... this was day 1 la...
tt night... wj (sounds lyk shu ting when over the fone haha) called... so lame... ask if i tml wanna cum... then i ask her wat time... then keep on pass the fone around... tok to shu ting, si hui.... so er..... then in the end still dunno any details... HAHAHA!!! bo liao... then ask me to invite any guys, well tt time i also blur blur de... juz call sz next morning... told mum n dad go gu niang hse do project LOL LOL LOL!!! haha... then took bus31 to bedok interchange then change to MRT meet sz at simei then go together... tok alot of crap... reach there meet up with the girls... at the food court... went to the chalet... then realised me n sz were the only guys... damn... then shu ting told us abt the toilet door... lols... then the galz say wanna go Escape... then when we gt there... saw yew heng... in a red shirt... DIAO... then i saw the ticket price... wth... $16.50... i can go in la... but sz carn cuz bo liu... then i also nv go in lor... me n sz go beach walk la... wanted to go cycling then forgt where the hell is the bicycle shop... (=.=")... walk abt 2hrs later we go to the beach pick stones throw into the sea... throw the stones bounce over the waves... 2 or 3 times after tt then find... siao lor... then reach there saw shu ting n li jin there... ask them if wanna cycle... i pay... (my pocket hole very big sia) then 4 of us go cycle... then saw shu ting n li jin frenz... i dunno la... then me n sz go play ground play for a while... cuz nth to do de... realised tt it was 3.47 we need to return the bicycles at 3.50!!! both of us chiong lor... so tired... then saw yew heng again... wth... so suai see him so many times... then go with shu tng n li jin go buy the stuff for BBQ... met the others there too... i pay for the charcoal sz pay for the 2 packets of chicken wings... the galz paid the rest...
went back the we started the fire for the BBQ... haha the girls break the charcoal... damn funny, shu ting the hands black lyk siao lor den ask ppl if wan free sun tan... diiaoo... me n sz gt to use paper plates to fan the firethen i take 1 big piece of charcoal wan to break it... first time hit (sz say i nv eat rice lolz) wack second time HAHA the whole thing spilt into 3 pieces... then 1 piece hit other ppl OPPSS haha so funny sia... haha... BBQ the hotdogs damn funny all gt bubble coming out lor poor hotdogs then no niu you lazy type eng haha call gu niang ask him to bring... lol lol lol... i tot he cum den the BBQ nt so jia lat then he cum MORE jia lat!!! haha... den later BBQ the chicken wings n stuff le giv the ppl tt gt unacceptable weight eat first!!! lol lol lol so funny... the chicken wings... sum chao da cuz gu niang lor... keep on say nt cooked yet... haha... eat le go back inside play Xbox with gu niang... play till round 8pm??? den go home with the rest le lor... hais so tired... but soooooo damn fun... n FUNNY!!! hahaahahahahahaha... sot liaozz...

Friday, October 13, 2006
ExamZ overZ
3:52 AM

its been quite some time since i last updated hahas... gt examZ need to study... but i slack damn lot... im sure every1 realli study very hard since its the FYE/EOY but there is 1 tt im nt sure exactly studied im sure ur guess is the same lyk mine hehe =p
anyway... abt the papers... the eng was ok la... the HIS was erm... a few Q dunno... Maths was completely out of the Q it was Horrific!!! lols then CL was okok also Geo was unexpectedly quite tough (cuz i tot tt ah pui very erm nvm) lets see... sci was damn tough (so much physics Q came out... since when did kent lo physcs became so tough?) so little chem n bio came out la... nt fair... i study so much chem n bio the so many lolo Q come out... feel lyk bashing up the setter... nvm lit was totally nonsense... as usual... dunno wat god lyk rainbow... wat man or woman... so QB sia... Lit is mainly tok cok sing song play majhong nah... hopeless subject i even wonder y we still hab to study it... well enough of the exams crap... no need to study for the rest of the year le woo hoo!!! wait till sec2 then start again... but my parents sure ask me study sec2 stuff be4 the start of the term lor...
mmm... after the exams finish... i started to reget... keep saying... waaaa sian nth to do... but is true... we spent too much time on study le then all of a sudden is lyk our life so empty nth at all but can finally go out liao... i tot studying would nv end haha
