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Monday, August 14, 2006
LOLZ... laughing lyk mad...
8:25 AM

Today started normally lar... then during recess sz n i go n ask hc wat would he use if he was a fisherman... at first he dun wan to ans... cuz he tot we were being pervertic (which we were at tt time... unfortunately) then we kept on asking him wat... so he say he would use fishing rod...
the second Q was "how long was his fishing thread"... same thing happened... then he show us... i tink around erm... 2cm??? who cares... blahx... then sz n i kept on laughing lyk siao then hc was lyk tell me leh... then cuz we were laughing lyk siao....
then i reply... ur line so short u wan to catch wat kind of fish??? guppy ar??? haha... we were still laughing then i tink john got the idea on wat we were toking but hc still blur blur de... haha
then he was named fisherman Seah... in chinese... it sounded abit lyk Sia Yu Fu... whichs also meant... blind fisherman...
then in class... i was still tinking abt wat juz happened during recess... then a tot came to my mind... blind... blind... kindda reminds me of Chen Wei Lian the blind singer... n also the singer of Tong Hua... we were at the back laughing our heads off lar... siao liao... Haha... hc was lyk... cursing n swearing lar... haha so damn funny...

Friday, August 04, 2006
long time no post...
3:59 AM

hi long time since i last posted lor... partly cuz i a bit lazy... the other cuz i no time... got to go tuition... badminton training... homework... aiya...
my life so damn freaking boring lor... sian then today go com lab type the chinese spelling ma... then me n sz very "smart" we go poh yong (chinese cher name) then go add our name... class then go n print... haha the rest of the class need to type out slowly then me n sz long time go n play games liao... HAHAHA
then cuz hc go watch abt the AuiditionSEA... then go a short screening... n we made fun of him saying tt the girl was wj the the guy was him lar... so funny... he was practicing dancing then wj happen to pass by then saw him dance n then lyk him very much... then go show they both dancing... it RAWKS!!! the video... super nice... then halfway wj got "super power" then she dance also damn pro... the dj (austin) go slam the song disc on the player then all the notes all cum out... aiya u go youtbe watch then u noe wat im toking abt liao... BB =)
