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Monday, July 24, 2006
5:44 AM

Damn scary leh... today 2pm after sch... walk ouy of the hall all of a sudden... my ribs very pain... dunno y is wa lao lyk hundreds of needles poking me frm inside wif every step i take lor... is seriously pain tt i take around 5 steps then need to sit down to rest liao... then even if i sitting down... it is still so damn pain it really slows me down... the i now also got slight breathing problems... it feels lyk im unable to control the pain... even when i bend up the pain is so dam excruciating... then sz was lyk u ok a not? then every few steps e was lyk seeing if i was still ok... siao de... is really pain dao no way to express myself... i was sweating cold sweat all the way lar... n shivering all over lor... then i cannot even stand straight sia... i really dunno how to say but is the worst pain i ever felt in my entire life... i was telling my self to ren ren ren the pain lor... is really cannot express...

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Today was so fun...YIPPEE!!!
6:02 AM

today was the mos fun lar...during the kent lo the science class...kent lo wan aus to stand up cuz he nv bring his sci worksheet...(acually i also nv bring de but i use other paper to pretend haha) then wan jie also...i teach her use my trick or else also kanna hehe... then dunno who the hell go n start the "class debate" wa lao u at there confirm luagh until dnno lyk wat de lor... then at first jonathan also kanna lor...then he wanted to sabo john then say he also nv bring his workshhet then kent lo say..."its none of ur business...u go stand there" every1 in the class was lyk so (=.=") HAHA lame sia... then kent lo say john also very gd muzt learn frm him... every1 in he class practically FAINTED!!!!!! then i shouted," if john gd... i long time already becum GOD liao!!" wa lao the class reaction was so damn strong lar... i juz love it haha cuz im juz rebelious towards kent lo... haha... mmm... anyway... u will only understand if u were really at tt time in class... we wasted around 40mins juz on this crap lar...haha... laughing lyk siao now...signing oof now amigos =)

Saturday, July 15, 2006
2:02 AM

today...nth actually happen de lor...then it all went well until at my tuition centre...cuz at 3pm my bro finish tuition then my auntie suppose to go fetch him go home de...then my bro suppose to wait in ze tuition centre for her lor...then around 3.30pm lyk tt my bro the cher come n ask me if my bro go home le ma...then i say my auntie come pick him then he say my auntie outside...then i kanna shocked lar...cuz my bro dunno go where ma...(partly cuz i also will kanna frm parents haha)...then i call his handphone...he nv pick up...scared lyk shit...then i call my mum...she ask my auntie go hawker centre go find cuz maybe he hungry go buy food...then go check dunhab...then my cher ask me go back to class...then 10mins later...my bro showed up at the tuition centre...then i ask him where ze hell he go...then he say he go TOILET!!! MAKE "CAKE"!!! bloody hell...i scold him y he nv pick up my call...i expected ans lyk he put silent mode but he ans i nv hear anything leh...wa lao...wan to slap him lor...tt partially deaf git...dam QB lor...every1 all looking frantically for him then he in toilet make cake...make until suang suang...dun even noe how to make a call to say he go toilet...damn him...stupid de lor...
so sian now...dunno wat to do...bored to death...sick of the mountains of homework piling higher n higher...the nv ending nagging of parents...tuition...wan to break free...wan more freedom...wish no need to teach bro...wish hav longer training hours...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Wat The ****?!...
5:38 AM

OMG!!!! today de training was the worst lar...si be jia lat (sorri for those who dunno wat i typing) first we had footwork (standard) then 20 pushup (ok lar) then 20 Burpess (wa lao...ok lar...) then jump for 5 mins but coach see us "small" then say 2 mins (so easy) then 1 step footwork for 1 min non-stop (ok lar...not so bad) then same thing again n again n again (won't die nvm) then he wan us to play match (YAY!!!) after tt he wan us to do squarting 100 times...in 3 mins...(Bloody Hell...can die sia...i do until 50 non-stop then so tired liao) i finish both my legs all become "jelly" siao de sia...then coach still wan us to jump for another 2 mins (die liao) leg pain...pato tia...then need to redo cuz of tt Hamizan lar...ta ma de...be4 tt need to jump 50 times...everyone all do until legs all so damn pain ar...then still wan to test us netting (heng i pass or sure pato tia de...) wa sian n not to mention dying frm pain...i really dunno wat ele to type so bb ze..."disabled" is siging off...LOL haha

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Cross-Country Race
3:00 AM

WOW!!!!.........the cross country was damn shiok.........but obviously VERY tiring..........and my legs hurts.........starting be4 we run........a few of us came up wif a plan to be the top 15 then can win trophy.........we said to each other tt we were going to run in a V-shaped formation.........cuz this method is damn "evil" cuz can block other ppl.........can reduce air resistance.........n when the person at the front tired.......the ppl behind can replace.........so its lyk veri good........so starting we put Rabbani in the front.........cuz he can chiong and take the air resistance for those behind him.........we plan when Rabbani run abt 200m then Darren take over.........then tts when we start going on stamina.........Darren lead first........then later Jonathan take over we all chiong FULL STAMINA!!!!! ALL THE WAY TO THE FINISHING LINE!!!!!!! but when the race started..........Rabbani chiong lyk siao then all of us cannot keep up.........then cannot form the formation........cuz darren also right at the back then only got Jonathan n i in front.........then i tell Jonathan he lead.........i follo.........i follo Jonathan until we become 2nd n 3rd sia!!!!!!! SONG BO!!!!! BTW i dunno where was Austin n the rest..........so we ran.......n ran.......n ran........n ran........n ran aiya........y m i toking so much crap? (btw dunno where the hell is te first runner) then aroung the 2nd bridge there Jonathan all of a sudden slow down........then i tell him dun giv up we going to reach the finishing line le juz ren.........then i slowly run hopefully he can catch up.........wa lao then Keith n Leonard frm 1F caught up wif me leh.........then i juz chiong liao........all 3 of us all running neck to neck leh........siao 1...........then Leonard slow down n left me n Keith.........both of us chiong lyk siao........then i also cannot tahan liao then walk..........then Keith a few metres in front of me also stop........i chiong again then i realized tt he chiong is cuz he dun wan me to take over him.........i walk he also walk i chiong he chiong also.........its so annoying lar..........then Leonard catch up wif us le..........but he also no energy le.........haha.........anyway then keith started running again but this time i really no enery to run need to "recharge" then another 2 runners came into sight...........i dun care lar die then die lor........cannot lose to any more ppl le........then the 2 ppl chiong past me then i use them as a shield to the air resistance n chiong also.........but the runners really damn fast lor so i behind.........then i saw Mr Lew leh........he cheered me on lor.........first time.........so i juz chiong lyk siao till i can feel my legs go numb lor.........no feeling at all.......the only thing tt was in m mind was.......heng wei chiong can finish de, the finishing line juz a few metres juz in front only GO!!!!!!..........when i reach the line i collasped on the ground almost cannot stand up, cuz both of my legs overexcert till very pain.........i tink almost muscle tear leh........then the person gave me my number card.........it was 7. i was tinking........not bad leh........first time run get seven........i went to get a bottle of water........then Shang Zhi n Jonathan juz chiong across the finishing line.........SZ got 13 n Jon got 15 (Jon so lucky got the last number or else cannot get trophy le) we were all happy tt can get trophy (obviously........i'm so lame.......) then we went to talk lor.........n cheered for the rest of our classmates tt was abt to cross the finishing line.........after Aus they all come we went to play socccer at the side of the running track wif Jon de dad.........his dad pro lor..........very difficult to get the ball frm him everytime he past the ball juz be4 i can snatch it frm him sia..........so pro.......then when we got our trophies........the rests were lyk let me see ur trophy........let me see.......then it was time to anounce the bests 3 houses.........," in third place........we have.......PIONEERS!!!!!!!" "in second place we hav.......CHALLENGERS!!!!!!!" "in FIRST place we hav..........INNOVATORS!!!!!!" wa so shiok the top 15 of each house get another medal n i got a gold de n 3rd in innovators house for 'C' division!!!!!! wa shiok!!!!!! me n jonathan dam happy lor.........then sz kept on muttering, "..........stupid lar.......y innovators get first?..........grr grr........." haha after tt we went home (actually can stay back for soccer but got tuition in the afternoon leh damn it..........
