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Always Waiting For U No Matter What =)

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Sunday, June 25, 2006
8:47 PM

hi......finally back......haiz....i really missed blogging sia.........n right now im in my art class.........we hav to finish our art work by tmr or we r going to fail our art.........personally.......i dun care abt art at all lor........cuz to me "art sux".........but no offence to those who lyk art lar.......cuz every1 is different ma.........some lyk this and some lyk tt lor.........bo bian *hehe* anyway.........how is every1 feeling right now? r u still in ur holiday mood? or u all cannot wait to start sch already? basically...........i look forward to sch lar plz dun think the..other way hor.......cuz at home is really veri boring.......parents........nag frm day to night.......sian.......face irrtating bro.........go tuition..........haiz.........dun wan to say le cuz if say some more i wan to faint le........my holidays is filled with horrors tt cannot be imagined ( ok i over exasersting le pai seh i dunno hoew to spell ) anyway........today's recess was really funny lar.......to me lar but dunno if it is to u lor......
it started when aus n danny was sitting on a wooden plank beside each other at the atruim then both of them were sort of bo liao lar......they were pretending to fall off the plank...dunno for wat reason.......aus grab danny n push him down......but halfway during danny's fall......he grabbed aus the shirt too.........so aus also got pulled down too........aus frell on danny and he was sort of lyk screaming lar.......haha it was so funny........both of them had mud in their shorts bu8t danny even more "unlucky" lar...cuz he also kanna mud in his shirt too........if u r reading this post on 26/06/06...........u can see both of them still hav mud on their clothes n till now.......i think danny still blame aus for making him got EXTRA mud on the back of his shirt hehe hope u hav bin enjoying ur holidays...........n a happy return to sch too........i hope tt u r not too happy abt this cuz now im starting to regret y the holidays end sooooo fast......haiz.........

Friday, June 16, 2006
3:48 AM

haiz............yesterday badminton training veri jia lat. cuz at firat coach already veri angry when he got to sch ma so he was lyk u do a little bit wrong then start to scold u lor...............then i ask him wat to do ma..........then he go tell me if i wan to ask him i hav to ask as a team............so i got a bit fed up lar............then when my whole team arrrived hor...........i ask him," now do wat?! " then he "explode" then tell me," who u toking to?! u toking to ur father ar?! " i was thnking ; F..ker!!!!! i not happy so wat!!!!
then he ask my whole team do 20 pumping............i bo bian then tiam lor but i was thinking damn u lar............i not happy wif u then u wan my teammates go do pumping for wat?! they nv do anything wrong leh?!
then during agility training.................when we doing the crossleg running hor..............i so careless sia............sprained mii ankle *sib sob* cuz mii ankle veri pain...............but i nv tell coach then i continue doing agility...............by the time finish liao............my ankle swollon le pain lyk mad............but nvm de but i still need to take bus go home sia..............i go home need to take bus 28 go interchange then take 31 go all the way to parkway parade there n still hav to walk lor............haiz.............nvm de but need to live up to my "trademark" si bu liao
anyway i may not be able to go to training on tues..........so i will use the time to go n finish the LIT project lor........=P...........BB

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
3:49 AM

todae quite sian leh. on thw way to sch 4 badminton training, mii n sz go TM polpular go buy coloured paper 4 the LIT project ma..............then we go interchange go wait 4 bus 28. but when we got there..........the bus WENT OFF!!!!! then we bo bian walk 2 sch lor..........when we reach sch le hor...........already 2.20 le (we late almost 1/2 hr) then coach say nvm ask us to go and do front back footwork....finish le hor me n sz dunno wat to do then go n see the rest do footwork n drills ma.........cuz coach nv say after tt do wat ma......later coach wan sz n me onli to do 20 pumping...i dunno y we 2 so "special" then tell coach," y u wan us to do pumping???" he say," u 2 finish the front back footwork dunno how to come n ask me wat to do next ar? u 2 nv ask then still stand at the side talk happyly ar?!" then he tell me," u dunno y u need to do pumping ar?...ok...u do 40 pumping..." wa lao.........i dun even noe y i must do pumping then ask coach ma.....then tt...........wan me to do 40!!!!! siao de.......so unfair sia...nvm i tiam.....
then after training me n sz go and buy something to eat..........then go bus-stop so tt can go home.....my HP ring.........then i pick up then is actually Austin.........then when i look at the other bus-stop i saw AUSTIN there!!!!! i hung up n shout," u bo liao ar?" when i juz finished saying right....bus 293 came lar....then jon, marcus n SH went up ma..........then i remembered abt the last time when i did not managed to chase the 293 bus ma (btw i got type abt when ma n sz chased the 293 bus n did not catch it).........so we walk to the same bus-stop as fast as we could......juz to catch the bus (we veri lame hor?) but by the time we were at the bus-stop hor..........the 293 haven reach yet we wait....n wait....n wait....n wait....n wait....but 3 bus come leh..........28.........29..........n.............293 hahaha............so we sit 28 go interchange first ma............when i at interchange le hor(waiting for bus 31 to go home) SH walk pass...........n saw me lar..........i think she was thinking: how did Heng Wei reach interchange so fast ar?!............
i was there talking to Austin hahahahahahahaha............upon thinking abt this.............i kept on laughing lyk fagget sia............hahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha

Friday, June 09, 2006
4:39 AM

haiz...........now in bad mood cuz juz quarrel wif mum...........over LIT project. actually we wanted 2 meet at HC de house on MONDAY to continue wif project but den mum last minute told mii to go n hep at mii father's stall so i cannot go. den i tell her i dun wanna go she scold mii and said i nv spare a tot 4 mii dad.........wa lao is not tt lar.............but we plan 2 go HC house long time liao then last minute wan me to tell every1 tt i cannot go. siao..........we spent so much time prepare 4 MONDAY then i dun go.............is she nv spare a tot 4 mii............sob sob...........becuz of this...........i shouted at mii mum...............saying," WA LAO!!!!! i spend so much time to prepare then now u come n tell me tt i cannot go..........SIAO!!!!!! U NV CONSIDERED how i felt ar!!!!!" she then shouted back," I DUN CARE!!!!! U GO N HELP UR FATHER ON MONDAY!!!!"
She then left the house.................n i slammed the door behind her...............n went back doing mii summarising. its SOOOOOO NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!! everytime need to listen to her n got no say in everything lar..............sux lor.............then today got so fed up wif bro le then mum n tell this tt its soooo natural for mii to flare up lar...............damn it..........now still so fed up n dunno if should go n help my father..............haiz..............or go HC house do project...............anyway i definitely go to do project n quarrel wif mum when she comes back home tonight..............stupid de..............she nv considered my feelings n then screamed at mii le..............i feel so hurt..............she can't even understand her own son when his frenz can understand him so much better.................haiz................wat kind of family is this? im so hurt now lar.............mum dun understand mii wat kind of life is this?! maybe she won't ever understand mii n mii life haiz.................so bothered abt this...............dunno who to talk abt this to..............feeling so bottled up.............cannot n dunno how to express at home.............so how???............will I HAV THIS KIND OF LIFE??????????

Thursday, June 08, 2006
4:25 AM

OUCH!!!.............sob........i injured myself during training.............mii foot hurts sia...........anyway won't die so easily de la then i also change mii song too...........hope u lyk it...........cuz i keep on get scolding frm mii parents.............then i talk back ma.............n nearly cuz mii dad 2 confiscate mii phone............haiz.............got project n homework and tuition damn it so much things to do i think i go crazy le so stressed up. Wan to go and play arcade wif frenz also cannot *sob sob* then im forgetting tt theres training too...............so tired today..........need to "feed" my partner wif shuttles............then some times throw the shuttle in a wrong way then kanna scolded frm coach haiz.............then hab to do agility training sia................run 6 times in the hall within 30 secs, 4 times in 21 secs n 2 times in 8 secs.........siao de........can die wan but of cuz won't die frm such a little thing lar =P gtg le (go put medicine 4 mii poor foot) bb

Friday, June 02, 2006
4:19 AM

THIS IS TOATALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! guess wat..........hao chuen frm a lvl 9 NOOB in 2 days time become LVL 21 !!!!!!! siao.............chiong maple lyk some shyt..............mad 1 maple 1 whole day CHIONG!!!!! siao.............if me ar.........i play dao sian sia...............(hc veri patient)(muz learn frm him n in the gd way not the other XD) then when i saw in maple today i was saying," WTF?????!!!!! so fast lvl?! OMG!!!!!!" (i bet wif u all ar...........he sure got use his SIN go train he magician 1 lor)...............BTW aus had the exactly same reaction............anyway............maths remedial finally finish liao so juz need to go back for badminton training onli haha so GD ............haiz..............next tues got ENDURANCE TRAINING!!!!!!! need to run lyk mad liao confirm 1...............n i'm going to die..........cuz mii leg hurts...........but SI BU LIAO haha mii n mii stupid trademark..................=)..................haiz sian dunno wat else to type lar..........so sian comm spoil =( need to use mum's de............cannot play maple..........haiz..........bored to death............everyday can onli face mii bro (younger) his so irritating lar.............dun wan to do homework then when dad comes back............i KANNA SCOLDED!!!!!! he say my brother nv do the work y i nv tell him to do.............he dunno how 2 do y i nv teach him? i was thinking ," BLOODY HELL!!!!!..................he dunno then dunno how 2 ask mii ar? wats the use of his mouth?! then dunwan to ask me ok fine i tiam ten go check dictionary lar.................so insensible..............n not 2 say childish..............i was saying to myself.................later............he is going to get 1 black eye liao he better watch out or he wake up den in hospital.................aiya dunno wat to type liao so angry.........................cya..........=)
