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Thursday, November 03, 2005
My life as a Primary 6A student of year 2005 in Changkat Primary School
4:40 PM

I really dont know where to start from. but anyway, my life is should be just as complicated as yours (I think). There are parts where I enjoyed myself and parts where I really suffered in too. In school, I normally get taunted by some of my friends (which I dont really care about anyway and I dont want to say their names but I think they should know who they are after reading this blog) and some will talk to me and I will them what happened in class. Then we will find something to do together like playing online games and cards which normally make me forget all my troubles and enjoy myself very much. We will laugh, say jokes to each other and call one another through the phone almost everyday until the week before the PSLE. When we stopped calling each other, I felt like I was having the worst nightmare I ever had. My workload was piling higher than ever and there was practically no time for rest and I cant call my good friend as he was also preparing himself for the PSLE examination too. I had to endure a week of terror. When I was half way through my revision, I felt like as though I would not survive through the exam when I remembered what my best friend told me when we were half way through a card game when I was going to lose" Since you are already halfway through it, you might as well continue and finsh it. " Then, Miss Chia words floated across my mind " This is the last and final length of the race so you might as well complete it if not your six years of education will totally go down the drain just like that." It was these two person that gave me the sudden burst of strength and will to continue with my revision and complete my PSLE successfully. I really dont know how should I thank them. But as for some of my classmates, their taunts now became worst than ever but of course I told myself to ignore them like always and not to put what they said across my mind. And the best of all is when I can contact my best friend again!!!!! And now at home, I get to do what ever I want but since my younger brother exam has not yet ended so I dont get to play any computer games until the day my brother finish his exam which is on the 8 of November as my brother is a computer addict. He can sit in front of the computer for hours just playing on the same game. Imagine that!! I hope that he will not have such a habit in future.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Entrepreneur Fair Reflection
8:31 PM

1. What did you enjoy most about the fair?

I enjoy having a real life experience on promoting a product to people around me and being able to understand the pressure my parents face in their work.

2. Describe how do you feel in this whole experience (from planning to production to the actual day) and why.

I felt that it was extremely as I have learned many ways of setting up a company and the many departments in the company too.

3. What are some problems you faced in the process of preparing for the fair? How did you overcome these problems?

We found that the $50 budget was too little and spent more than we should have but we sold our goods at a higher price so that we would still make profit and we managed to reach our goal to sto our money problem.

4. Describe someareas that we have done well in the fair.

Our team managed to attract many customers so that we were able to clear our goods pretty fast.

5. Suggest some areas of improvement for the entrepreneur fair.

The time for the classes to sell their goods should be longer.

6. Reflecting on your personal experience in the process of setting up your class business and based on the observations you have made during the entrepreneur fair, shareaboutwhat you have learnt in the following ares :

a) How to attract customers to your stall

We went up to the customers and showed them a sample of our product and if they want to buy our product, we will bring them to the stall to purchase the product that they want.

b) How to price the products

We priced our products at a very reasonable price depending on the size and the looks of our products.

c) What you did to ensure success foryour business?

Our group ensured that the product that we were selling is reasonable to the crowd and will capture the crowd attention.

7. Having been a service provider (in games) and also a sales person, what do you think are some important attributes, characteristiecs or values one must have in order to run a business well ?

One need to be very careful in what they say in order not to offend the customers as well as giving the right information on the product.

8. If you were given another chance to set up the business all over again, what would you have done differently ?

I will look for even cheaper, better quality and sellable products so that I will make more profits.
