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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
my role model
7:43 PM

Well for me , i do admire many peoplefor may different reasons.but in class 6A, first i admire Chih Siong as he is always delivering very excellent work always.Second, i admire Rui Jin and Desmond for their super sportsmanshipas their sports are always the top 5 in class.Sometimes, i would even go and ask them what was their secret that helped them did so well in their running test and in other sports.Then i would try my best to apply them to help me do well in my running tactics which lane is best and shold i sprint at the starting of the race or should i pick at the end of the race and make a mad dash?(thats all for this blog, hope u enjoy it)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
teach less buuuuuuuuut learn more
7:26 PM

Teach less but learn more?But how?At first, i was shocked when Miss Chia said that we can learn more when she teaches less But how is it possible?The first thing that came to my mind was that Miss Chia was gong to give us loads of homework.TONS of them!!!!but I found out that I was wrong!

fail to plan, plan to fail
7:07 PM

Fail to plan, plan to fail.What is this sentence trying to tell us?Well, for example, one fine day,I did not learn my spelling and memory test so when I did my spelling quiz, I was totally BLANK!!!!After a few days, when all of us got back our spelling, I had failed!If you want other different and interesting theories, find them in Ewan, ismail, WEi tong website
