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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
10:48 PM

Dear Diary,
Today, we leart all about body language.I had also learnt the proper way on how to stand,sit,walk and greet people.It was also very funny because some of the questions that they asked was so ridiculas!

9:58 PM

Dear diary
It was really nice when i saw the cranes that was made from recycled bottlecans.they also sold mugs which had patterns of shells.The game stalls were very well organised and the games were quite fun.Like throwing 3 plastic balls through a picture of spongebobsquarepants which had holes in it.The bigger the holes were, the lesser points it contians.I am really impressed with the stall which sold the tin cranes because of their supereb handiwork.N i also want to critic the stall which made tabletennis a game.I am not trying to say that it is not correct butthe holes for the game was really way too small.If i was given a chance to set up a game stall,i will create a game of darts.i would let other students play for three trys for just a small amount of S$0.50.i will give the fair 4 stars s the games were very creative.

9:50 PM

Dear Diary,
Today, there was a fair in school.It is said that the money raised will b given 2 those students who is not s fortunenate s we r. 2 true,they r really very pitiful.

9:41 PM

Dear diary,

There was this P6 fair in school on Tuesday.The fair was used for raising some funds for students who has problems.
